Works by Joseph Dole, incarcerated artist and activist
by Joseph Dole

Joseph Dole is a writer and artist serving a life sentence at Stateville Correctional Center. He is the Policy Director of Parole Illinois, a group urging the return of discretionary, earned parole opportunities for prisoners in Illinois, where parole was abolished in 1978. His writing and art can be found at his website, PI’s page, the Real Cost of Prisons project, and his Facebook page.

Life in Prison Without Parole
CPD Bad Apples 1
Triptych on Former Cook County Prosecutor, Anita Alvarez
Triptych on Former Cook County Prosecutor, Anita Alvarez
Triptych on Former Cook County Prosecutor, Anita Alvarez
Death by Incarceration, 2018
CPD Apples 2
One panel of a triptych painted with acrylic and sealed with floor wax, 2017
2015 pen and pencil drawing
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Issue 2Non-Fiction
Justice Under God Volume 2
Issue 3Art
Attention: A Visual Essay
Issue 3Non-Fiction