Dedicated to the memory of Clancy Taylor, who wrote all the dick jokes in this issue.
Justice Under God Volume 2
by Chloe Yanny-Tillar, Winston Berg, Clancy Taylor, Morley Musick
by Chloe Yanny-Tillar, Winston Berg, Clancy Taylor, Morley Musick
Questioning Cameron Knox Day: A Reader Response
by Daniel Ortiz
If he is still searching he could consider if his two week flirtation with the Bride of Christ had more to do with certainty than he thought it might have. I will be praying for him.
The Brazilian pavilion at the 1889 Paris Universal Exposition
A photo album from the Brazilian Exhibition at the Paris Universal Exposition of 1889.
Material Truth
by Malloy Owen
The contemplation of Christ’s broken body and shed blood does draw us in towards ourselves, then, but not in Kantian contemplation of the moral law within.