Nathaniel Sandalow-Ash is the co-founder of the defunct, New York Times crossword review blog “Saturdays Stump Us”. The puzzle below can be printed out from this webpage, or played interactively here. Answers are linked below the puzzle. Mouse is offering an $11.99 reward to whoever can solve this puzzle first.
Crossword: It’s Perfectly Unambiguous
by Nathaniel Sandalow-Ash
by Nathaniel Sandalow-Ash
World Music
Fifty wasps got my ass in Malaga, Spain,
So I limped to the hospital clutching my booty.
In the waiting room, our song; I winced in pain.
Some kid said it sounded like Death Cab for Cutie.
So I limped to the hospital clutching my booty.
In the waiting room, our song; I winced in pain.
Some kid said it sounded like Death Cab for Cutie.
The Theme Restaurant At the End of History
by Fen Inman
Decadence looks around, sees nothing but rotten fruit, and gathers it in sticky armfuls to distill into liqueur. It does this in an informedly fatalist manner, taking pride in its self-awareness but without the hope that such insight will provide any way forward.