Viewing articles from: Gautama Mehta
Softex, 2016
"I asked Mohammed if I could interview him. He refused and gave three reasons why: first, he didn’t like cameras (though I didn’t have one); second, 'I like to be mysterious;' and third, no one would listen if he told his story."
Top Gun: Two Critical Perspectives
Tom Cruise knows how to read. He is the star of “Top Gun: Maverick”. He made the movie, he is the movie’s audience, and he is the enemy of the U.S. military.
Middle Voice
Oil sounds. Moon sounds. Mud sounds.
Moon pool with nobody
All cops are bastards.
Work Poems
Human beings are horrible bat-monsters, flying around using sonar, hoarding rotten food in their coat pockets, scratching insults into bathroom walls, having sex with dead people etc.
What must be done?